Gi vs NoGi Jiu Jitsu

Gi vs NoGi Jiu Jitsu

As you enter the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, there is 2 main modes to choose from; Gi and NoGi. Here are the breakdown of each to help you make an informed decision!

What is Gi Jiu Jitsu?

Gi Jiu Jitsu, also known as traditional Jiu Jitsu or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), is a form of martial art that involves obtaining the skills to effectively take your opponent to the ground in a control position, which eventuate in submission. The term “Gi” (pronounced “Ghi”) or “Kimono” refers to the uniform worn by Jiu Jitsu practitioners. The Gi/Kimono consists of a Jacket, Pants and Belt, which can all be used against the opponent during the exchanges.

What is No-Gi Jiu Jitsu?

NoGi Jiu Jitsu as the name suggests, is Jiu Jitsu without the traditional uniform. Practitioners typically wear compression pants (spats), grappling shorts and a rash guard. The goal of NoGi Jiu Jitsu is the same as the Gi but it lends to different rules and strategies as grips on the clothing items are not allowed.

What are the main differences between Gi vs NoGi?

  1. Grips: As mentioned above, the Gi provides a lot of grip for both the person wearing it and their opponent. In NoGi Jiu Jitsu, there is no grip provided by the clothing, which means there is a heavier reliance on body positioning, wrestling and use of hooks and levers for control.
  2. Movement: In the Gi there is more friction with the material and some argue this is better for control. In the NoGi the movement tends to be more fluid/dynamic without the fabric getting in the way, or being used to slow down the movement of the other person.
  3. Submissions: Gi Jiu Jitsu allows for a wider variety of submissions as lapels and collars are readily available as tools for submission. NoGi submissions require great precision and control as opponents are generally harder to control.
  4. Strategy: There is a big difference in strategy between Gi & NoGi. When transitioning from Gi to NoGi the practitioner must remember they are not able to rely on the grips for control. Anyone going from NoGi to Gi must remember there are extra grips introduced from the opponent in the exchanges.

Which Should You Choose?

We understand every persons Jiu Jitsu journey is personal and unique.
At M1FC we believe the Gi and Nogi compliment each other and offer transferrable skills to become a well rounded grappler.

Our recommendation is giving both classes a try to see what style is best suited for you.
We offer both Gi and NoGi classes everyday, multiple times a day! Book a free trial with us today!







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